Future Professional Advisory Policy

As future beauty industry professionals, it is essential that Future Professionals learn and model the behavioral standards of the industry. Paul Mitchell the School San Diego expects Future Professionals to maintain acceptable standards of behavior on campus and satisfactory educational progress in their coursework. To support Future Professionals’ personal and professional development, Paul Mitchell The School San Diego has identified five overarching principles for Future Professional conduct:

  1. Attendance and Documentation of Time Guidelines: Attendance, promptness, and documentation of work are cornerstones of successful work practices.
  2. Professional Image Standards: Professional image standards were created to provide guidance and direction to Future Professionals as they develop their professional image and personal.
  3. Sanitation and Personal Service Procedures: Sanitation and personal service procedures have been established to comply with state laws and to provide a safe and clean service environment.
  4. Communication Guidelines and Professional Conduct: It is the school’s responsibility to provide a learning environment that is professional, positive, and conducive to learning. Staff and  all contribute to a mutually respectful learning environment that fosters effective communication and professional conduct.
  5. Learning Participation Guidelines: The learning participation guidelines have been established to provide a creative, fun, interactive, and collaborative learning environment that empowers Future Professionals to act as professionals and committed learners. Positive behavior is required to create a mutually beneficial learning environment for all Future Professionals.  

To ensure that the school’s culture embodies these principles, Future Professionals will be coached for non-compliance with any of the items listed below. These coaching opportunities will be documented on the Future Professional Advisory form. 

If a Future Professional receives five (5) coaching sessions, they may receive a suspension of five (5) scheduled school days. On the Future Professional’s fifth coaching session, the Future Professional Advisor will create a plan of action to be followed. After a Future Professional has received a five-school-day suspension, the Future Professional may only receive two (2) more coaching sessions. On the seventh coaching session, the Future Professional may be terminated from the school. If a behavior is sufficiently severe or repeated, a student may be terminated without notice, even if the behavior is listed as a coachable violation.

The School reserves the right to place a student on suspension pending an investigation into violations of the advisory policy.

Future Professionals may receive coaching sessions for the following items which are prohibited:

  1. Failure to follow the Dress Code: Future Professionals must be in dress code, as set forth in the Professional Development Guidelines. This includes wearing a nametag.
  2. Malicious Gossip is defined as disseminating private information about another individual or group of individuals with the purpose or effect of causing harm.
  3. Harassment includes but is not limited to verbal, psychological, graphic and/or written abuse directed at another, beyond a reasonable expression of opinion, which:
    1. Is threatening or carries with it the intention to do bodily harm; or
    2. Disrupts or undermines a person’s exercise of their responsibilities as a Future Professional or staff member including unreasonably interfering with a person’s educational or work performance. 

      Harassment which is based upon a protected class as defined in the Protected Class Non- Discrimination Policy and Procedures is also prohibited conduct, but that type of harassment is covered in number 25 below; it is a separate offense from Harassment under this section and such conduct is investigated and adjudicated as provided in the Protected Class Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures.

      Bullying is prohibited by the anti-bullying policy and is a separate offense from Harassment under this section. Such Conduct is addressed in line with the Anti-Bullying Policy and procedures.
  4. Coachable Attendance Violations
    1. Failing to Meet the Attendance Requirement: Monthly: a Future Professional must abide by the SAP Attendance Policy at in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. Attendance will be checked  monthly, falling below this percentage may result in an advisory.
    2. Not calling to report lateness or absence: Failure to provide proper notice of an absence or tardiness in accordance with the attendance policy.
    3. Excessive Tardiness: Being more than ten (10) minutes late to scheduled time on more than two (2) occasions in a thirty (30) day period.
    4. Mandatory Attendance Day Violation: certain days are required for attendance to meet educational goals. Missing any day designated as a mandatory attendance day is prohibited.
  5. Academic Coaching
    1. Beginning a service without a Learning Leader consultation: Future Professionals are required to complete a consultation with a Learning Leader before starting a service on a service guest or other Future Professional.   
    2. Failure to timely complete assignments: Each Future Professional is required to complete their assigned worksheets with set deadlines.
    3. Failure to properly attend Theory Hours and Tests: Future Professionals are required to timely complete all state required theory tests and maintain satisfactory attendance at theory class.
    4. Failure to complete practical and academic assignments.
  6. Parking Violation: Future Professionals must park in the area designated for Future Professionals to park.
  7. This is a smoke-free campus. All smoking on campus is prohibited, including in the parking lot.
  8. Violation of the School’s Internet and Social Networking Policy: Use of school technology for non-educational purpose is prohibited.
  9. Violation of this Future Professional Advisory Policy or School Standards at a school-sponsored event, externship, off-campus event, and/or fieldtrip.
  10. Disruptive Behavior is defined as any behavior that a reasonable instructor believes substantially interferes with the teaching or learning process, whether in a classroom or other learning environment (such as an online platform, clinic classroom, field experience, in an office, or other setting whether it is an on-campus or off-campus location) and continues after an instructor or other school employee’s request to cease. Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not limited to:
    1. Verbal abuse of or threatening the instructor or other Future Professionals;
    2. Damaging classroom furniture or property;
    3. Damaging the property of another Future Professional or Instructor;
    4. Creating excessive noise;
    5. Refusal to comply with instructor direction;
    6. Persistently speaking without being recognized or called upon;
    7. Refusing to be seated;
    8. Unauthorized use of cell phones, laptops or other relevant technology; and
    9. Disrupting the class by repeatedly leaving and entering the room without authorization. 

      The expression of disagreement with the instructor or classmates is not in itself disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior also does not include appropriate demonstration of disagreements or differences of opinion, cultural differences, differing values or beliefs, or needing extra time or attention based on reasonable accommodation for disabilities.
  11. Sleeping in class is prohibited.
  12. Unprofessional Communication: Future Professionals and Staff are to maintain respectful and professional communication at all times. Some examples of unprofessional communication include, but are not limited to: yelling or raising your voice when communicating; use physical presence or location to emphasize a point; rude, offensive, and/or abusive language; swearing/use of profanity; uncooperative behavior during regular activities or processes, and repeatedly speaking over others.
  13. Lying to or dishonesty with an Administrator: providing false information to a School Administrator is prohibited.  
  14. Failing to be actively engaged in school-related activities. Future Professionals are expected to be continuously working on school-related projects, assignments, clinic practical worksheets, reading theory, or test preparation during school hours.  This includes attending all scheduled educational opportunities, like Theory and Specialty Classes.
    1. Failure to or refusal to engage in school related work is prohibited.
    2. Refusing to take a clinic classroom guest.
  15. Failing to follow the Future Professional Professional Guidelines

Future Professionals may be terminated for the following without a coaching opportunity or warning:

  1. Drugs/Alcohol: The manufacture of, possession of, use of, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescription cannabis, while on school grounds is prohibited. Providing alcohol to an underage individual at school or an affiliated function is also prohibited.
  2. Possession of Firearms, Explosives, and/or Weapons is prohibited:
    1. Firearms, Explosives, and Weapons are defined as an instrument, article or substance that is designed, used or likely to be used to cause bodily harm or property damage.  
    2. Weapons include but are not limited to the following items: firearms, including rifles,  shotguns, handguns; bowie, dirks and knives (other than kitchen knives), explosives, swords, nunchucks, throwing stars and other martial arts weapons, crossbows, compound bows, recurve bows, long bows, bear spray (however, pepper spray that is small, and for personal protection  dispensers), BB guns, paintball guns, ammunition and non-functioning replicas that could be  confused with actual firearms.
  3. Time Clock Violations: The following behavior is prohibited:
    1. Clocking in or out for another Future Professional;
    2. Requesting another Future Professional clock you in or out;
    3. Leaving the school facility and/or premises without notifying a Learning Leader and/or signing  out for a break and remaining clocked in on the time clock and receiving unearned hours. The school parking lot and surrounding businesses are not included as part of the school facility for educational time. This includes exceeding allotted break or lunch times.
  4. Cheating: giving, using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices in any academic exercise including unauthorized communication of information. Examples of cheating include copying from another Future Professional's paper or receiving unauthorized assistance during a quiz, test or examination; using books, notes or other devices such as calculators, unless authorized; acquiring without authorization copies of test or examinations before the scheduled exercise; or copying reports, laboratory work or computer programs or files from other Future Professionals.
  5. Stealing: Theft, attempted theft, unauthorized possession, use, or removal of School Property or the property of a member of the school community is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to taking items from another Future Professional's locker or area; taking materials from the school; shoplifting from the retail area; taking money or personal financial information of another (e.g. credit/debit card information); theft by deception; taking jewelry or electronics not belonging to you; or defacing, tampering with, damaging or destroying property of the school or an individual.
  6. Tampering is the attempt to alter School records, grades, assignments, or other documents without authorization. Examples of tampering include, but are not limited to using a computer or falsified document to change a School record; forging the signature of a School official on a document or other School record; erasing information or records of a Future Professional; unauthorized access to a School record by computer or via unauthorized entry into an office or file; or obtaining information from the School without proper authorization.
  7. Plagarism is presenting the work of another as one’s own without proper acknowledgment. This includes copying worksheets or other materials turned in from another Future Professional.
  8. Facilitating academic misconduct is the assistance in or attempting to assist another in plagiarism or cheating.
  9. Other Academic Misconduct: Examples of other academic misconduct include distributing test questions or substantive information about the material to be covered on a test before it is administered, taking an examination or test for another Future Professional, and/or signing a false name on an academic exercise like tests or worksheets.
  10. Physical Violence, Physical Altercations and Threats of Violence or Threats of Physical Altercations are prohibited:
    1. Physical Violence and Physical Altercations include but are not limited to: intentional physical contact with another (e.g. bumping into another person), physical interference with a  person that prevents them from conducting their normal affairs, words or actions that put a person in fear for their physical safety, and causing a person to suffer actual physical injury.
    2. Threats are words or actions that cause a reasonable expectation of injury to the health or safety of any person or damage to property.
    3. Intimidation is defined as implied threats either verbally, in writing, or in person that cause a reasonable fear of harm in another.
  11. Violation of the Protected Class Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures
  12. Violation of the Anti-Bullying Policy.
  13. Violation any other matter covered by the Grievance Procedure.
  14. Other Prohibited Conduct: The following is prohibited
    1. Engaging in behavior that constitutes a violation of federal, state, or local law on School premises or at a School sponsored event.
    2. Acting to impair, interfere with or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the School, including, but not limited to:
      1. Interference with the freedom of movement of any member or guest of the school.
      2. Interference with the rights of others to enter, use, or leave a School facility, service, or activity.
      3. Use of any public address systems without the express written permission of the Director.
      4. Failure to comply with the direction of law enforcement/first responders and School officials acting in their scope of duties and/or failure to identify yourself to those persons when requested.
      5. Failure to comply with any authorized sanction or condition related to the  Code of Conduct, Anti-Bullying Policy, Grievance Procedure, and/or Protected Class Discrimination and Harassment Policy.
      6. Trespassing or unauthorized entry into any School buildings or property; or
      7. Unauthorized use or misuse or School names, trademarks, and images.
    3. Fire Safety Violations:
      1. Intentionally or recklessly causing a fire that damages School or personal property or which causes injury;
      2. Failing to evacuate the School during a fire alarm;
      3. Improper use of fire safety equipment; or
      4. Tampering with or improperly engaging a fire alarm.
    4. Abuse of Process: The following behavior is prohibited:
      1. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information;
      2. Failure to provide, destruction of, or concealing information during an investigation process;
      3. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in or use of the Code of Conduct or its process;
      4. Harassment or intimidation of a witness to any alleged violation of any published policy, including the Code of Conduct; or
      5. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the conduct process. 

Eligibility to resume attendance after a suspension will be evaluated based on the following:

  1. The Future Professional must be current on all theory exams and academic assignments.
  2. The Future Professional must conduct a personal interview with the School Director and/or Financial Services Leader to determine the compliance for re-entry.
  3. The Future Professional will be placed on probation for thirty (30) calendar days, during which time he or she must strictly abide by all policies, rules, and regulations.

Additional violations in the first thirty (30) days back from suspension may result in termination.

The school may terminate a Future Professional’s enrollment for receiving seven (7) coaching sessions, and/or failing to comply with the educational requirements and/or the terms as stipulated in the Enrollment Agreement.

Appeal from Termination for Maximum Coaching Sessions

If a Future Professional is terminated due to receiving the maximum number of coaching sessions, or due to the reasons outlined under termination on the Future Professional Advisory Form, the student may appeal the termination decision unless it is designated as non-appealable below. A Future Professional has five (5) calendar days from the date of termination to appeal the decision. The Future Professional must submit a written appeal to the school’s Future Professional Advisor on the school’s Termination Appeal Form describing why they were terminated, along with supporting documentation of the reasons why the determination should be reversed, or they should be re-admitted. This information should include what has changed about the student’s situation that will allow them to continue through the program without additional code of conduct violations.

An appeal hearing will take place within 15 business days of receipt of the written appeal. This hearing will be attended by the Future Professional, parent/guardian (if the Future Professional is a dependent minor), the Future Professional's Learning Leader, the Future Professional Advisor, and/or the school Director. A decision on the Future Professional’s appeal will be made within three (3) business days by the school Director and will be communicated to the Future Professional in writing. This decision will be final.

Certain Terminations are Final and are not Appealable

If a Future Professional is terminated for violations of the Protected Class Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures, Anti-Bullying Policy, Physical Violence, Physical Altercations and Threats of Violence or Threats of Physical Altercations, Drug or Alcohol Violations, Weapons Violations, violations of the Anti-Bullying Policy such termination is final and may not be appealed separately pursuant to this section.

Return After Termination Appeal

The Future Professional will be placed on probation for thirty (30) calendar days, during which time he or she must strictly abide by all policies, rules, and regulations.

Additional violations in the first thirty (30) days back from suspension may result in termination.

After the thirty (30) day probationary period, the Future Professional will have two additional coaching sessions before being terminated again.